
Friday, December 6, 2013

Trying out some new things....

Old twist out that I added moisture to

Hey there Natural Beauties! I hope you've been keeping inspired on your natural hair care  journeys?  I reached my four year natural hair anniversary this year in September and I've been going through quite a few things with my hair.  Physically and emotionally.  I'm not sure if I shared them with you but I've am learning that once you get to this point in your natural hair growth journey your hair can  force you to switch some things up!  Detangling still remains one of my least favorite tasks..hands down. And because of that, I sort of go back and  forth on if I want to continue to grow my hair longer. I am currently  slightly past BSL. I am shooting for full MBL as my  length goal because I would like to see my hair in its shrunken state fall a little longer.   However, at 4 years in I kinda find my self getting bored of  "actively growing" my hair out?  I feel like I just want to enjoy my hair for what it is and not always concern my self with how much length I'm  retaining.
Length check in April 2013
 I started a length challenge earlier this year to reach MBL by year end. I  decided to actively chart my growth and this is the ONLY photo that I've taken since then! I am horrible at this. Before now I just took great care of my hair, wore primarily protective styles, and it naturally retained length. I sort of want to keep going with that. So my length checks and charting will be random. I don't won't to worry myself at all with how long my hair is or isn't getting that's just not fun. And I think I may have set my self back with this one. I did a random snip on that V that hangs past my m bra strap(I'll have to tell yall about that another

As for my hair products, I have added  a couple things. Cleansers and stylers are products that I am consistently trying out. 1. Because with cleansers I typically want something that will help with  detangling my hair making the rest of my wash day a breeze.  2. Stylers have been important to me lately because I want to keep the frizz down on my beloved two strand twists. 

I've been wanting to try this Purification Masque for a long time now and I'm glad I finally did. This mask has tons of slip and helps to really break down the tangles in my hair. I skipped my pre-poo(which is huge for me) and tried it on damp tangled hair to see if this stuff really did what people were saying.  And it did! It was a huge time saver for me on my last wash day.  The directions states that you should leave it on between 5 and 15 minutes. After I rinse my hair it feels soft and clean. It's not stripped feeling so that's a plus as well. I am going to continue using this to see how long I love it. (you know how that goes). Next on my list of newbies...

I was given a sample jar of this twisting cream by one of my clients. Because its glycerin free it doesn't continue to draw in moisture so it keeps frizz low. My client said her hair was still damp when she unbraided it, and her style didn't fro out.  Now that had me very interested. My hair takes forever to dry and I have to leave my twists in for at least two days when I want to do a quick twist out.  I tried this,  and continued to use up the sample jar. I loved how soft it actually made my hair and all of my strands were very smooth. My twists also seem to dry a lot faster.  I constantly found my self going back to this jar whenever I would twist my hair, specifically if I knew I was going to wear a twist out.  So we will see how long I continue to use this. I do love it but, I may not be able to get it locally anymore. The supplier stated that they were no longer going to  sell it which  leaves me to online purchasing, and I don't like to get ANY of my staple products offline. So we will see how long this lasts.  I have tried a local styling pudding that is sold at Sally's that's nice(will review eventually) so I may default back to that if I can't find this Darcy's Bontanicals Twisting cream anywhere locally. 

 The journey continues ladies! Until next time no matter what you do, keep it healthy and happy!    


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Braids are out! And Im digging back In!

Hey Yall!  Easy come easy go, I had to remove those braids asap! Only  2 weeks that has to be a record.  I was so excited about my styling/detangling break but hair styles must be practical for me.  If I feel hindered or bothered in any way It's over!  Those braids were so THICK and long that I couldn't do anything with them.  They were very nice down but I couldn't be productive wearing those down, and I couldn't put the braids up because they were so thick and night-time prep was a real Job! So  chilllle good riddens! 

Before going into braids I was beginning to make some bad decisions with my hair care out of sheer laziness. I was flat out tired of doing it, nor did I have the time.  I've always believed in a nice break from one's self in these situations. I had begun talking hair cuts and locs and my hubby wouldn't agree to either!!! Thus my hasty braid up decision...

Now that my hair is out I feel its time to dig in and get back to my treatments and twist regimen.  Lately my hair has been a little lack luster so can't slack now. I will keep you posted on some of my newer hair care treatments and Indian hair oils that I've stay tuned!!! Lets keep it going ladies..
Long Live Healthy Natural hair care! 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

My Fall Protective Style: Individual Braids..

Xpressions #8 used

Okay so it never fails I always go into some kind of braids in the fall/winter months. Typically I reserve my box braids for summer, but I put crochets in this past summer and thought I would switch it up.  I'm not a  big trend watcher anyway.  I  wear what I want, when I want and for different reasons! This time I desperately needed  to give me and my hair a break. I've been super busy and I was starting to lose patience with my hair. Yes it happens to me! And when that happens I put my hair away before I do something crazy like damage it or cut it off!  So, I made a quick decision to save me and my hair, and in these box braids went!(I couldn't muster up any strength to try installing these, I had someone else do them. Liz @ Calizbeauty Salon in Plano, Tx..I'm loving the color!)    I absolutely love my natural hair but I don't always love how much work goes into caring for it, nor do I always have the time!  I thank God for other options....

1 week old, barely pulled back
I would love to keep these in for 2 months, but we shall see!  The length and thickness of these braids have been a bit cumbersome getting use to. I am such a practical person, if hair is slowing me down or getting in my way it has to go! Comfort over cuteness will always win out with me.  But, I am trying to get use to them. Maybe I will make it a month!  Every little bit helps I am going to enjoy my break for as long as I can. And as always I know when this is over I will be back in love with  "the Process'' of managing my lovely thick, dense, kinky curly cottony hair!    

So what are you guys doing with your hair right now?  Will you be protecting it from the cold weather or yourself?  Either way works! lol. 

Well until Next time!! 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Help! I'm having issues finding a good Natural Hair Stylist?

Okay ladies, how many times have you heard/read that a stylist does natural hair only to show up for your appointment and have them  treat your hair like it's the enemy?  I've been hearing this complaint a lot lately and quite frankly it really makes me frustrated  for my  natural sisters. I have heard some pretty shocking stories.  From one stylist actually putting a texture softener on her natural client's hair (without her knowledge) to stylists complaining and telling their natural clients that they should flat iron their hair more often to make their job easier.  It's crazy!?  I am writing this post for two reasons.  One is to help  you in your search to find a  natural hair care professional that you'll love, and to help those in the profession become a better match.   

I feel I can write this because I am a licensed Natural Hair Care professional, and I have also been the client. (We don't always feel like doing our own hair and would like to be able to trust someone else). I've been exposed  on both sides, and as the client I will say it's a little rough out there  for us naturals.    

As a client, I believe it is important to fully interview the person you are considering for your natural hair care or as your stylists. Just because a person say they "do" natural hair it does not mean that they are willing to do what you want them to.  Have you ever inquired about a natural style with your stylists and they proceed to talk you into having your hair flat ironed?  How about  your wash and detangle? Do they wash your hair in sections or insist on washing your hair as one big mass only to look shocked and confused when your hair end up in a thousand tangles? Yep that happened to me) Or how about them wanting to cut 4 to 5 inches of ends off because they just flat ironed your hair and the ends didn't straighten out like they wanted them to?(yep just chalk it up to having 5 inches of split ends!) 

Lord help us. Look, we can prevent a lot of this if we fully interview the stylist before ever booking an appointment. Make them aware of your hair texture and the characteristics of your hair. Make sure they understand what you expect. Ask them about their experience and the different hair types and styles they are accustom  to dealing with.  Ask them how they wash, detangle, etc. Their responses will help you decided if you should book or not!  The time and patience it takes to care for natural hair will vary from client to client. I know this all too well. Some clients I can have in and out and others will take longer depending on the service and their hair type.  If you get the sense that your potential stylist isn't  listening well then that is a  big RED FLAG.  They also should be willing to discuss these things with you. Remember this is your hair,  and you are  a potential "paying" customer .   

So here is the Breakdown!  

 Fully research the stylist's website 

Make sure that you have fully reviewed their list of services along with their photo gallery. If a stylists says to you, "I do natural hair" and all you see in their gallery is flat ironed hair and weaved up heads, you should probably ask for specifics and details to make sure that you will be getting what you want. 

Place hair care above styling 

 It  helps to seek out a  stylist that specialize in natural "healthy hair care ." There are a ton of stylists that can style hair but how will they handle and care for it? If your hair is all damaged in the end was the style really worth it? I had a client share that her head was roughed up so bad once that another stylist in the salon notice the treatment of her hair and called out the natural stylist who was working on her.  Her stylist's response was "she knew what she was getting into when she came in here!" Wow?!  Please don't ever feel like you have to take that kind of treatment, even if you have to do your own hair until you find someone who will respect you and your hair, do that.   

Is the stylist natural?

 Check to see if your stylist is natural, and if they are wearing their own hair most of the time. This can help you gauge.  Someone who puts a lot of care into their own natural hair will also have more patience and understanding when dealing with yours. 


 Look for real life referrals and testimonies of people who have visited this particular professional.  I know this sounds like a lot but your hair and your wallet will thank you for it!  I meet women who have hopped from salon to salon looking for someone who really cares about their hair and they suffer in the process. If you see a natural on the street with nice hair, ask if someone else does her hair. If the answer is yes, ask her as many questions as she will allow you to about her stylist.     

The stylist should ask you questions

As a natural hair care professional I make sure that I always consult with my client on some level before I ever lay hands to their heads. I ask them about their history of hair care as well as what they are expecting from their service. I want to make sure they understand what I have to offer, and what I don't offer.  This way, neither one of us is disappointed or frustrated. They should want to know certain things about your hair first. 

Natural hair care expense

Yes visiting a natural stylist can be expensive for some. Expect that when having a natural stylist do your hair the pricing may vary  depending on your length and thickness because that will factor into the amount of time they will be servicing you. I place a price range on certain services on my site, so there are no surprises.  It's not cheap to visit most natural salons and I would have to say the prices are probably set this way because some of these services are very time consuming. If you are on a budget do as much of the work your self (i.e. the wash and detangle before coming to the salon), and only book the style. Clarify if the cost to style is separate from the wash. Proper prepping of your own hair  can save you time and money.  

Have a full  blown conversation 

 If you don't take away anything else, just remember to not leave anything to chance. Ask as many questions as you can think of. Make the stylist have a conversation with you, so that you can get a feel for your compatibility, and this should lesson your chances of a bad experience!  And if they don't want to talk in depth with you about these things, I think you better take that as your que! 

So that's it! I feel I needed to  write this because I hear these complaints so often, hopefully some of these insights will help you in your continued search for a stylist that will respect and love your natural hair. 

Well until next time!! 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fall is officially Here!

My Fall Season inspiration 

Hello healthy hair enthusiast! I hope you  enjoyed your summer?  My summer was nice and HOT.  I am definitely a Fall season girl.  It is my absolute favorite time of year!  I'm wondering if being born in the month of November has anything to do with that : )?    

The above look is one of my all time favorite natural hair/ fashion style  photos. I pull it out of my inspiration stash every single year!  Her hair color, the back ground, that jacket, the scarf, its all perfect and screams Fall is here. It's totally my style and I Love it!  Okay I'm done being  "extra" for now....  Oh and my 4 year Nappiversary is in 5 days!!! : )-

So, what do you love most about the fall, do you have any natural hair/style Inspirations for the new season? 

Monday, September 9, 2013

New Season: New Discoveries!

Pomp & Pony twist out

Hello natural beauties! How have you been? Well, its back to school time for so many and we are approaching the fall season and its time to get back down to business. I am back in school this semester and it is already consuming my "free" time! So with that being said I will be running back to my protective styling schedule asap! For the last month I've been experimenting  and I've made a few discoveries good and bad, and I wanted to share them. My  first re- discovery is that I can NOT wear my hair out in a twist out  for more than one day without re-twisting or I will have heck to pay! 

4 or 5 day twist out
In my quest to find quick low manipulation hair styles, my hair has been out more than I'd like. I typically twist or put in braids to protect and even though I love those styles I don't always like how long they take to put in or take down.  So I did try a low manipulation twist out style. No separating or re-twisting. My  plan was to untwist one time, and let may hair stay clumped.  I only moisturized, seal, put up in a pony tail and go. No manipulation.   My hair looked great and this seemed to be working..until I discovered, that huge thick knots had  formed and "closed" the ends of my twists at the nape!?? My ends were in a cacoon of sorts!  (This is the longest and curliest part of my hair.) It seriously felt like my ends were forming buds!  I couldn't believe that my hair was locking in a twist out?  Before it was over I had to cut out a couple  huge knots that I was almost sick over. So, now I know, I am not that girl!  I have to re-twist or re-plait my hair every single night if I want to wear it out . So much for low manipulation with "out "styles. 

Twisted Bantu knot out attempt

Second Discovery: My hair will NEVER dry in Bantu knots within an acceptable time.  I know that bantu knots take a while to dry but I figured if I put them in on hair that is 90% dry and add  a little product for hold it would be fine.  I sat under a hooded dryer for about 45 minutes, went to bed for 8 hours, and then used a blow dryer extensively the next  morning and my hair was still just as damp as it was when I set the knots? The above photo show my results. Not bad  at all, if my hair would have been dry, and stayed that way. But because my hair was damp in that photo and I ended up with a full fro within an hour!  I don't mind fros, but I didn't spend hours trying to  perfect that style to end up with a fro? I've always wanted to try bantu knots but this style seems very timing consuming to pull off on thick natural hair. So I will reserve knot outs for when my hair is straight or when I have 2 days for my knots to dry! Which I don't know when that will ever be.  I'd have to be snowed in because I'm not going anywhere in those knots. lol 


My Good Discovery:  The Jumbo Rake Comb by Hercules Sagemann! Oh my goodness I am in love with this comb. I saw a you tube video by Longhairdon'tcare2011 on detangling twists, and she was using this comb. I listened to her explanation and I watched the video on how the company make their combs. It is a handmade seem-less comb, with beveled teeth. I saw other videos of women who were impressed with the combs as well, and said how it made a big difference in their regimens. I've always heard seem-less was better but figured it couldn't make that much of a difference. But let me tell you it does!  Most of you know that detangling my hair is my biggest gripe. When using this comb my it just glides through my hair no snagging or ripping. I do finger detangle first  to remove  larger tangles and knots and then follow up with this comb. And as wide as the teeth are, it pulls all of  my shed hair out.  Before, I was using 3 to 4  detangling tools, when you include my fingers. I am  now down to 1! This comb also allows me to detangle larger sections so my sessions move a lot quicker.  Another plus,  my hair does not have to be sopping wet with conditioner when I detangle.  I can use this rake when my hair  is lightly misted and it still glides through.  Okay so that's it, I'm done!   I am excited to see how the quality of my strands will improve with this big change. If you are interested in trying this comb you can purchase it from

So what's new with you? Have you made any new discoveries good or bad? Please share!  

Well until Next time!!!!           

Sunday, August 18, 2013

A stranger asked me a question: "Is it racist to use the term Nappy Hair?"

Nappiology dfw, a local Non- profit that celebrates and educate on "Nappy Hair" 

I love this shirt for a few reasons, primarily because its comfortable!! Most of the time I forget what it reads. Saturday my hubby and I decided to tour our own city... (that was a great idea btw, we should do it more often!) 

Clyde Warren Park In  Dallas

As I was waiting on my food at one of the food trucks I was approached by  a male of the opposite race, and he carefully asked me  "I just want to know, is it racist to say that someone has Nappy Hair or to use the word Nappy?"   I must admit I was a bit caught off?? Until I remembered what I was wearing! 

  It's funny because this question wasn't as clear cut to answer for me as I thought it would have been? I knew that I really could not answer for all black people with this hair texture?  So I said, "I guess it depends how you say it and why you said it? Only you know what your motives are for using the word. I also said, it also depends on who you say it too!"  I also went on to describe to him what our hair texture really is as it grows out of our scalps. Many people have  misunderstood our hair type, even us!  I told him its a real hair texture and not something that is matted and not groomed or maintained.

Pomp and Pony

 I rarely  use the word "nappy" to describe kinky or tightly coiled hair, but I also don't really have a problem with the word. I do know that a lot of African Americans do have a problem with it, and many in the Natural Hair Community do not.  So I believe this is why I wasn't sure how to answer him initially. 

I believe the origins of the word is racist.  However, many African Americans use the word to define "bad" hair or naturally kinky hair also. So its almost like, we can say it, but they can't?(sounds familiar) Idk just my take on it. 

Twist out

When I was growing up it was definitely considered negative in our community and in our homes.  And as an adult I've experienced it as being negative but not necessarily racist.  Now days, with the ever growing natural hair movement among African American women,  it has caused people to look at the word a lot differently. Many are embracing the word "nappy hair", but at the same time I know the word still brings up hurtful memories and negativity for some and they don't want their hair referred to as "nappy."  So when unsure I  wouldn't use it to describe any one's hair but my own.  

So, How would you have answered this curious stranger?          

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Using heat to help manage my natural hair

blowout,flat-ironed, dry rod set

Can yall believe it? I flat ironed my hair twice in the same year! Not only that it's August? and I live in Texas!   So I have to explain why I did this. I've decided because of the length of time it takes me to detangle, re-detangle, and detangle again I will start blowing my hair out about once a month and use the flat iron once a month to help with tangles and single strand knots.  Of course I've been dealing this entire time and there are techniques that get me through my hair safely. Its just time consuming.  

The longer my hair gets I don't really have hours and hours to spend on it. So to keep it healthy and to resist the urge to rush through which will result in breakage I am going to give this a try.  I have an ultimate length goal of MBL to WLish! And I believe if  I'm going to get there with this texture,  I need these tangles and knots minimized! 
Shot of hair prior to a detangling session(prepoo applied)

  I have noticed with my natural clients that use heat maybe 3 to 4 times a year, that their hair is a lot quicker and easier to detangle. No tangles No knots, yet their hair is still textured.  It is my goal to keep texture in my hair in order to still wear my favorite style, two strand twists!!!  So I know there is a careful art to using heat to loosen some of the kinks. I've thought about this for about a year now, but have been a chicken about it because I am so anti heat damage and have been my entire journey!  I've always been afraid of my hair not curling or kinking back up in certain places due to flat ironing.  But I have learned a few things so I am not as afraid of heat as I use to be. With this session I prepped my hair with a protein deep conditioner & my hydratherma naturals moisturizing conditioner mixed them! (steam conditioned). Added a leave in, hydratherma moisturizer, and hydratherma naturals growth oil, mixed with safflower oil as a heat protectant. Then started blowing out my hair on a low heat setting. Purchased a great ceramic iron, set the temp to 375, used safflower oil again. I did 2 passes with the iron 3 in some areas where the ends were really knotty.  The next time I do this I will probably lower the temp even more, because my goal is just to lightly use heat to smooth and make my hair easier to style without the tangles. I don't want my hair bone straight.     
Started removing my curls from the rod set in pic 1

  So right now my hair is still straight even though I have been dying to add a ton of moisturizer to it. I couldn't resist adding moisture to my ends and as a result they have started to frizz and curl. So I just plaited my hair all the way to the ends so I wouldn't get knots.  So that is it! I wanted to check in to let you ladies know where my journey is trying to take me!  My four year nappiversary is coming up Sept 27th!  My hair is the healthiest and longest its ever been.   I am really excited with how this journey is going.  As you can see there is still more to learn the longer you are natural. I've never stopped learning. Often times you will have to adjust with the changes in your hair as it grows. Don't be afraid to make healthy adjustments to your regimen that will help you go the rest of the way to meet your goals.   Yes, you are going to hear a lot of  do's and don'ts and won'ts and nevers, even from me! But in the end you will have to listen to your own hair and do what is working for you, and stop doing what isn't working! It's as simple as that.  You have to deal with your hair, you have to wear it out, and you have to be happy with it. So make it work for you! 

Welllll Until Next time ladies!!! I will be keeping you posted!  

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tips for Charting your Hair Growth!

(Braid take down..I Retained 1.66 in 2 months) 

Hello ladies!  My Crochet braids have been out going on 3 weeks and I'm currently nurturing my hair.
In my last couple posts I've been talking about how I plan to protect my hair all summer  with braids or twists to retain length.  My first style of choice were Crochet Braids.  If you've been following me for a while you know that braid extensions are my style of choice when I want to retain maximum length.  When my hair is fully covered it allows my hair to grow uninterrupted(meaning no detangling, no handling of my hair at all for 6-8 weeks). This ensures that whatever I grow during the this time is retained. During my second year I noticed I didn't retain much as I could have, because I didn't max protect as much. I quickly noticed the difference in my retention and somewhere during my second year I picked  it back up! When trying to grow your hair out you have to pay attention to any changes in your hair before you get too far off track!  
Big Chop, Years 1-3(slightly stretched)

Big Chop, Years 1-3 curly

Most of us have read that hair grows on average 1/4 to 1/2 an inch per month. Most of us who are interested in retaining length will estimate that we should be able to retain about 5 to 6 inches a year. But, when this doesn't play out many women assume that their hair is simply not growing.  

So first thing's first, lets make sure that you are actually growing new hair out of your scalp!  There are several ways to do a length check. Set your calendar for a 2 month marker. Measure the length of at the start of that marker, then again at the end of your 2 month marker.  You can choose your measuring stick everyone use different means to track length retention.(Some use a measuring tape, marked shirts,or body placement)   
Measuring new growth before removing braids(1.66 inches)
Measuring 1 inch in the front

In the above photo, I am at 8 weeks growth in my braided protective style. I decided to measure my new growth before removing my braids. This measuring stick helped me to learn that my hair does grow at in average rate  in one area, but a faster rate in another. So I know it grows!

Body placement Measuring
(taken 2 mos ago I am now close to  my 4yr anniversary)

 If you aren't into measuring inches it may help to simply use body placement measuring. Checking at the end of your 2 month marker (At 2 mos there should be enough noticeable growth to chart).  Find a place on your body to which you measure your retention  each time. Above I chose to make a shirt marking Bra Strap, Mid Back, and Waist length. I also have small 2 to 3 inch markers in between these large lines, but its not necessary.   The idea is to established that within a 2 month time period that your hair is actually growing. Now that you know its growing,  its time to learn how to hold on to that length!   This is what I like to call protecting your investment. Most of  us put a lot into our hair care and retaining consistent length is one way of knowing that you are doing something right.    

To Help Retain your Growth

1.   Wear low manipulation hair styles
2.    Keep your hair moisturized to prevent breakage( includes Deep Conditioning!)
3.    Keep your hair strengthen with protein and or Henna treatments
3.    Handle your hair with extreme care
4.    Keep your ends super moisturized and sealed with oils
5.    Wear protective styles as much as possible(keeping ends off shoulders)
6.    Be consistent with your proven  regimen
7.    Be Patient

*Of course the above tips are all proven based on my personal journey and experience. You  probably will hear it doesn't take all of that to retain length, and for "some" this is true. But if you know you need help in this area, then try it because you have nothing to lose!

Well until Next Time keep it Healthy and Happy! 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Get Maximum Wear out of your Crochet Braids:My 8 week Update!

Hello Ladies! So how's your summer hair care routine going? If you have chosen to wear braid extensions then you are probably  enjoying the break, I know I am!  I've had my Crochet Braids in for exactly 8 weeks.  I am very pleased with how well the braid hair has held up. I am still getting day one compliments! So I thought  I would share some tips on how to get the most out of your Crochet Braid Protective style.  

*For those who  may not know what Crochet Braids are it is simply using a latch hook needle to attach braiding bulk hair to previously cornrowed hair.  The first step mimics a sew in weave preparation. Just choose a braid pattern that suits your hair length. Also, I only use synthetic curly bulk braiding hair.    

Installing the hair/latch hook needle used

Step One: Find a cornrow pattern that you like Step two: use your latch hook needle to feed the bulk braiding hair under the cornrow and  pull over. Secure with your choice of knotting techniques. This installation after braiding takes me about 4 hours. (You tube has countless tutorials showing you how to install crochet braids so check those out!) 
A Fresh  Install 

How I care for my Crochet Braids

By choosing synthetic curly hair, my style is pretty much set. I literally don't have to do anything to this hair to keep it curly.  Also by choosing a tight curl pattern I get more life out of the style. In my experience, looser curl patterns tend to tangle and mat more. The tighter curls will frizz or get occasional knots on the ends(similar to our natural hair). If I get a knot or too much frizz I simply snip it out. 

What I use on the hair: Water, S-curl no drip, or African Royale BRX Braid spray

I  use water from my spray bottle in the mornings to break the hair up. I wear my hair bound in a pineapple a night. Just like my real natural hair, this tightly curled hair clumps together. You can also break it up by simply shaking your hair.  

I use the S-curl No drip moisturizer to hydrate my natural hair underneath. I  separate the synthetic hair to expose my braids, spray liberally onto my braids and squeeze until I feel it's penetrating the braids.  

exposing new growth and braid underneath..
 S-curl no drip is primarily water, glycerin, and conditioner. The new formula also has some argon oil in it. It's very moisturizing and I like using it while I'm wearing braids because its light weight so there's very little build up if you use this.  I have also noticed that it helps keep the synthetic hair soft and detangled and does not coat the hair. Its AWESOME!  This has kept my hair looking like new for these 8 weeks.  
African Pride BRX. If you use the S-curl no drip.this spray is totally optional it can be used to moisturize your natural braids underneath and it keeps the synthetic hair smelling great! I typically grab this after I've done an ACV rinse or just want to freshen my hair after a work out because it smell really good. 

I conditioner-wash every 2 to 3 weeks..when preparing this hair for install I have it soaking in warm water, Apple cider vinegar, and conditioner so I know that I can cleanse my scalp & hair with these ingredients without harming the synthetic hair. (I would avoid using shampoo, it seems to be harsh on the hair.)

I typically will use an ACV rinse to scrub my scalp, and then follow up with a co-wash, rinsing it out in the shower. Co-washing these braids seems to bring them alive again!
Freshly Washed
I also use an all natural oil mix to massage my scalp, and I can't forget my  favorite The Follicle Mist by Hydratherma Naturals to keep my edges strong! And that's it. Its  really easy to keep these braids looking great, while caring for your own hair. 

Short re-cap!   Keep the hair tied up at night, keep your hair and scalp nourished underneath,work out tangles and knots as needed with S-curl no drip moisturizer,Snip when needed, co-wash as needed, shake and Go!  Done! 

8 Weeks.. and time to remove

Until Next Time!!!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"Pros and Cons of Long Natural Hair | What To Expect"..-Naptural 85!

Are you constantly wishing, hoping, and praying for more length as you try to adjust to your newly natural hair?  While its' true there are those who don't desire to have longer hair, there are more than enough women, that  just can't wait.  I use to be one of those women, and now that I have long natural hair, I love it! However, long natural hair comes with a whole lot of.......lets just say.. love and appreciation for the shorter stages!  

My short  Coily natural Hair w/3yr post comparison

Long natural hair in kinky curly state

So,  I was indulging in an old favorite pass time, and I came across a vlog from one of my faved You tube vloggers Naptural 85.  She recently did a video about the Pros and Cons of Long natural hair and I loved it!  Everything she has to say is SO true and I thought her points were definitely worth sharing.  We all need to know what is actually waiting on us past 10 inches!   Most of us are so busy wanting to get to that next level in our journey,(primarily more length)  that we are unable to fully enjoy where we are. If you constantly desire to have long natural hair check out Naptural 85's  video below for all the pros and cons! I for one can say that I didn't expect most of what I have been encountering with my much desired longer natural hair and would have loved a video like this before I actually reached this stage!  Check it out! 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Want to Re-Grow your Hair?

I often run into women who have experienced extreme breakage and damaged to their hair and scalp. The biggest culprit for these women is hair that has been ripped out due to tight weaves and braids. Others suffer from breakage due to hormonal issues, chemicals, side effects from medication,or horrible hair care practices.

Traction Alopeica

  Whatever the cause of hair loss it can catapult you into an overly anxious state!  

Result of tight braids

If you want to stop the breakage and balding cycle the first thing to do is to identify what could be causing your problem. And stop it! Yeah, I know if it were that easy to figure out you probably would not be reading this post. But I have found when we slow down and think about our hair care practices we can figure out what is causing the breakage or hair loss. You can identify the cause, reverse it, and get your healthy hair back! 

Healthy Growth

Below are some tips to re-grow damaged broken hair: 

First identify the cause of your breakage or stunted growth: Frequent heat styling, poor diet, chemicals,dry hair,rough detangling, tight weaves and braids can all be the culprit of your broken damaged hair.  If you want your hair to stop breaking and you are currently doing any of the above things you need to stop asap!  ( I don't know any other way to say it ) Hormones or medication can also be culprits and a lot trickier to adjust. If you are on medication please research all of the possible side effects of your medication to find out if it could be causing hair loss. Only you and your doctor can decide if its something that you can refrain from taking. If medication is the cause you could have a harder fight but its not impossible, you learn what you're dealing with, and adjusting your diet and hair care regimen can definitely help lesson those side effects! 

 If your hair is dry and breaking it will not retain length. If you are constantly wearing styles that pull at your hair follicles aka too tight styles, your already weak hair will continue to break.  I know many women run to braids and weaves when their hair is not "acting right"  and that is the last thing they should do. 

Do frequent strengthening and deep conditioning  treatments on your hair to increase the integrity of your strands. You can use several different treatments like Protein, Fenugreek seed powder, Henna, and deep moisturizing treatments to stop breakage and strengthen your hair. 

If you wear weaves and braids. Don't wear weaves or braids while you are trying to re-grow your hair. Hair that is already weak does not need anything pulling on it and adding additional tension. Get your hair in a healthy state first. The best protective style to wear while doing this are natural styles with your own hair, if its not too severely broken to do so, or wear wigs. These styles offer the least amount of tension. 

Get a consistent hair care regimen, It has been proven, our hair responds to consistency! This is probably the best advice that I can give you.  Please resist the urge to jump from product to product and switching up every time some new trend or miracle growth product  enters the market. Stick to a simple regimen of  cleansing, deep conditioning, moisturizing, and protecting. You will also want to add to your regimen a monthly strengthening session( for example Henna, Protein  treatments, and other Ayurvedic treatments)  You should also add frequent scalp massages with stimulating growth oils like Rosemary, lavender, Bhringrachj, or Vatkia oil. Keep your manipulation low,  be consistent!

Patience is a must, once we decide to change our regimen make all the right choices we want to see results like the same day! It reminds me of how quickly we like to see weight come off after a couple days of  healthy eating and exercise. It just doesn't happen that quickly! When trying to re-grow your hair you have to be patient. Keep this in mind, hair typically grows at a 1/4 inch to 1/2 an inch per month.  If you are doing everything right and your follicles are producing hair the way they should you're gonna have to wait atleast 1 to 2 months before you see ANY noticeable growth. So don't watch the pot boil. Just be consistent with your regimen and the growth will come. 

*This topic of hair loss and  regrowing hair is diverse. There are many scenarios that can be addressed. For the sake of time I've only addressed the most common causes of hair loss and possible solutions. If you feel your situation  is beyond what I've mention, for example Alopecia Areta or severe Traction Alopecia you will need to see a Dermatologist or a Tricologist.  These are doctors with specific medical training in this area. They should be able to cut to the chase, and let you know if your hair follicles will re produce hair. 

Well until next time, keep it happy and healthy!!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Summer Hair Care Plans..Do you have any?

Braid out

Hello ladies!! I am behind with posting this month..please forgive me! How have you been!? Well, if you are living in the Dallas Ft worth area you have noticed that it is already getting pretty hot outside. Its not officially summer but we are already feeling the effects of it here and that typically means a revamp of hair care needs for me.   My hair is prone to dryness, and especially during the summer so wearing my hair out is very limited. The summer sun seems to just DRY my hair out and it feels like dessert sand!

Textured Banana Clip Bun
Simply wearing my hair in buns, updo's, and my signature twists isn't always enough during the summer.  I have to completely cover my hair and especially during the hottest months. So I will be wearing braids.  I also increase how much water and moisturizer I use as well as Grape seed oil to protect my hair from  heat damage.  Yes the sun gets that hot here!  I feel its equivalent to sitting under a hooded dryer, no exaggeration.     

My summer Hair Care Plan
I will spritz my hair with water and glycerin  to attract  more moisture from the air
Add Grape seed oil to my EVOO mix as a heat protectant from the sun
Moisturize Daily
Wear protective Styles ALL summer.........And that's it,  pretty simple! How will you care for your hair this summer?   

Crochet Braids recently added 

Until Next Time! 


Saturday, April 20, 2013

What is Pre-pooing and why you should do it!

Prepping for my  Pre-poo Treatment

If you've been in and around the online natural hair community for any length of time you've definitely heard of  the term "Pre-Pooing."  If by chance you have no clue what I am talking about, Pre-poo is our way of saying Pre-Shampoo or Pre-cleansing treatment. Basically it's what you do to your hair prior to washing it.  

Before I understood the benefits of Prepooing I did them on my hair because, well everyone else was doing them! As a new natural we are all grasping for straws trying any and everything that may seem to work for others. After a while we all find our own rhythm and end up doing what works for our hair, and our life style.   Over the years I've done away with a lot, but Pre-pooing is one of those treatments that will always be a permanent fixture in my regimen and here's why!   

The Benefits

 It prevents damage!  Believe it or not,  simply washing your hair can stress your strands out.  When filled up with water the constant swelling and shrinking can cause Hygral Fatigue over time.   Our hair LOVES water so this sounds like an unavoidable problem. Coconut oil is a common ingredient suggested for prepoo mixtures because this oil has the ability to penetrate very deep into the hair strands. It helps our hair  receive  the right amount of water so you don't have to worry about stressing your strands out over time.  If you are someone who loves to do  wash n goes or conditioner washes throughout the week, you should definitely add prepooing to your regimen!  

It Softens knots and tangles: Have your ever taken your hair down from a style that you've been sporting all week? Maybe a wash n go "shrunken" Puff, or a bun that you've been wearing, or any protective style that's been up for a  while?  If so, you know  its no fun trying to tackle your hair in the shower when its in that state.   Adding a Pre-poo mixture before adding water will help soften and remove tangles. This will also allow trapped shed hair to slide out, and you can easily remove knots without having to cut them out!   

Mini-Twist take down prior to a prepoo session 
It's best to get all of this worked out before you begin washing your hair.   It will save you frustration and it will save your hair! 

What is in the mixture? Everyone's mixture will vary depending on what they deem necessary for their hair.  My mixture is  a concoction  consisting of  organic coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, and instant conditioner. 

Pre Poo Mixture added

Detangling with PrePoo Mixture

My Process:  First I add organic coconut oil to my hair to soften and separate. Also by applying this oil first I'm allowing the oil time to penetrate deep into my strands.  I then mix together my instant conditioner and extra virgin olive oil, (I like conditioners with a lot of slip). I section my hair and begin to smooth and rake the mixture through. This is where I begin  removing tangles, shed hair, and knots.  (fyi: I wear a LOT of protective styles that stay in for 2 to 4 weeks at a time, so yah)

Hair saturated in the mixture

Once my hair is saturated and tangle free; I plait it in sections or add small buns and put on a processing cap.  I let my hair sit until I think its had enough time to soak up  the prepoo mixture. You can also sleep in this treatment. Sometimes I add  a generous amount of extra virgin olive oil on top of all of this, and sit under a heat cap for 20 mins.    After I rinse, my hair is always very soft and pliable.  Once I've rinsed the prepoo mixture out I proceed with whatever cleansing method I have chosen.   If I've done a thorough job during my pre poo session there is minimal detangling in the steps to follow. There is also no breakage, no knots or snags, no hassle. And that makes me happy!    

If you are already Pre pooing  I hope you continue, and if you aren't you should definitely start! 

Well until next time, keep it healthy and happy...