
Saturday, April 20, 2013

What is Pre-pooing and why you should do it!

Prepping for my  Pre-poo Treatment

If you've been in and around the online natural hair community for any length of time you've definitely heard of  the term "Pre-Pooing."  If by chance you have no clue what I am talking about, Pre-poo is our way of saying Pre-Shampoo or Pre-cleansing treatment. Basically it's what you do to your hair prior to washing it.  

Before I understood the benefits of Prepooing I did them on my hair because, well everyone else was doing them! As a new natural we are all grasping for straws trying any and everything that may seem to work for others. After a while we all find our own rhythm and end up doing what works for our hair, and our life style.   Over the years I've done away with a lot, but Pre-pooing is one of those treatments that will always be a permanent fixture in my regimen and here's why!   

The Benefits

 It prevents damage!  Believe it or not,  simply washing your hair can stress your strands out.  When filled up with water the constant swelling and shrinking can cause Hygral Fatigue over time.   Our hair LOVES water so this sounds like an unavoidable problem. Coconut oil is a common ingredient suggested for prepoo mixtures because this oil has the ability to penetrate very deep into the hair strands. It helps our hair  receive  the right amount of water so you don't have to worry about stressing your strands out over time.  If you are someone who loves to do  wash n goes or conditioner washes throughout the week, you should definitely add prepooing to your regimen!  

It Softens knots and tangles: Have your ever taken your hair down from a style that you've been sporting all week? Maybe a wash n go "shrunken" Puff, or a bun that you've been wearing, or any protective style that's been up for a  while?  If so, you know  its no fun trying to tackle your hair in the shower when its in that state.   Adding a Pre-poo mixture before adding water will help soften and remove tangles. This will also allow trapped shed hair to slide out, and you can easily remove knots without having to cut them out!   

Mini-Twist take down prior to a prepoo session 
It's best to get all of this worked out before you begin washing your hair.   It will save you frustration and it will save your hair! 

What is in the mixture? Everyone's mixture will vary depending on what they deem necessary for their hair.  My mixture is  a concoction  consisting of  organic coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, and instant conditioner. 

Pre Poo Mixture added

Detangling with PrePoo Mixture

My Process:  First I add organic coconut oil to my hair to soften and separate. Also by applying this oil first I'm allowing the oil time to penetrate deep into my strands.  I then mix together my instant conditioner and extra virgin olive oil, (I like conditioners with a lot of slip). I section my hair and begin to smooth and rake the mixture through. This is where I begin  removing tangles, shed hair, and knots.  (fyi: I wear a LOT of protective styles that stay in for 2 to 4 weeks at a time, so yah)

Hair saturated in the mixture

Once my hair is saturated and tangle free; I plait it in sections or add small buns and put on a processing cap.  I let my hair sit until I think its had enough time to soak up  the prepoo mixture. You can also sleep in this treatment. Sometimes I add  a generous amount of extra virgin olive oil on top of all of this, and sit under a heat cap for 20 mins.    After I rinse, my hair is always very soft and pliable.  Once I've rinsed the prepoo mixture out I proceed with whatever cleansing method I have chosen.   If I've done a thorough job during my pre poo session there is minimal detangling in the steps to follow. There is also no breakage, no knots or snags, no hassle. And that makes me happy!    

If you are already Pre pooing  I hope you continue, and if you aren't you should definitely start! 

Well until next time, keep it healthy and happy...  


  1. Great post! and very informative. I am an avid pre pooer using extra virgin coconut oil. My hair loves it!. Like you, I also believe the benefits are endless.

    Thanks for both posting and sharing. Take Care!


  2. I've never prepooed. It just seems like too much work lol I know the benfits, though. It sounds like it could be beneficial.

  3. Zainab1 Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to comment! Yes I am so glad that I discovered for myself how helpful prepooing actually is. Keep up the good work, God bless!

  4. Nappy Headed black girl... I know it sounds like a lot of work but it saves you time and frustration on the back end. In real time its really not that much work, and everyone does their's different. Some people only put oil on their hair as a prepoo and let it sit. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment!

  5. I also pr-poo even in my protective style that I have been wearing for 5 months.I am currently wearing a weave but I redo my weave every 2 to 3 months.I have definitely pr-poo my hair on wash day every week.I am maintaining my natural under the weave.
