
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Braids are out! And Im digging back In!

Hey Yall!  Easy come easy go, I had to remove those braids asap! Only  2 weeks that has to be a record.  I was so excited about my styling/detangling break but hair styles must be practical for me.  If I feel hindered or bothered in any way It's over!  Those braids were so THICK and long that I couldn't do anything with them.  They were very nice down but I couldn't be productive wearing those down, and I couldn't put the braids up because they were so thick and night-time prep was a real Job! So  chilllle good riddens! 

Before going into braids I was beginning to make some bad decisions with my hair care out of sheer laziness. I was flat out tired of doing it, nor did I have the time.  I've always believed in a nice break from one's self in these situations. I had begun talking hair cuts and locs and my hubby wouldn't agree to either!!! Thus my hasty braid up decision...

Now that my hair is out I feel its time to dig in and get back to my treatments and twist regimen.  Lately my hair has been a little lack luster so can't slack now. I will keep you posted on some of my newer hair care treatments and Indian hair oils that I've stay tuned!!! Lets keep it going ladies..
Long Live Healthy Natural hair care! 


  1. Beautiful hair, sis. I've been super lazy lately also. I blame it on the chilly weather lol

    It's more of a hassle now because it's too cold for me to let it air dry, so I have to break out the blow dryer. Ugh.

  2. I want to thank you for such detail and care in your blog! Also, you hair looks so very soft and manageable! This simple style you are wearing in your photo looks elegant and relatively carefree. I have apparently been doing lots of the wrong things and haven't managed to retain length. Been natural for YEARS. You inspire me to keep trying!

  3. Hello Anonymous! Your comment made me smile, and its people like you that keep me on top of what I know I should be doing! lol Thank you! It's so easy to get lazy and to stop doing what gets you great results but I've learned that its like anything else. Your work is never done. We can arrive but won't stay there if we don't keep up the work!
    Girl you can do it, especially if you've been natural this long! it doesn't take long to get your hair on a good healthy length retention track. I have found the best way to retain length is to Keep the hair moisturized,strengthened, and protected. Then we wait! Patience with a consistent proven system does pay off. Too much manipulation and rough detangling slowed my growth process down my second year of being natural.

    I learned from that picked my self up and learned I couldn't slack on what I had done to get me so much growth my first year!

    If you need help with a regimen I'd love to speak with you. I do telephone consulations!

    1. (FROM: "Anonymous") Thanks for that kind offer. I believe I'll have to take you up on that very soon. Because if wishful thinking could have gotten me to my hair goal I'd have been rocking m y Chaka Khan-sized mane for quite a while now. lol :) I am open to learning from the natural wonders who have figured this thing out. :)

  4. Hey there Nappy headed black girl! Thanks for the compliment! Our weather has been back and forth with the cold. It was in the 30's one day and in the same week we had 70 degree weather?? So I can't blame mine on the cold yet! I was just tired period. My hair does take a very long time to dry also, I am trying to lesson my use of the blow dryer so I guess I be air drying in plaits for as long as I don't mind looking strange. And then twisting my hair up on 80% dry hair?

  5. Hi Chan....can u tell me if I your profile pick if you are wearing your natural hair or if it is a crochet what is the name if the hair?

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Hi Chan....can u tell me if I your profile pick if you are wearing your natural hair or if it is a crochet what is the name if the hair?

    December 4, 2013 at 8:04 AM Delete

    Hello Anonymous! My profile pic is crochet braids. It is Bohemian curl by Freetress. Thanks for stopping by!
