
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Hey Ladies, Decided to cut my hair! How is your Natural hair shaping up?

                                                                            Shape Day

Hello ladies have you been natural for a while, and  holding on to length despite the shape your hair is morphing into? I have noticed over the years that many of us are so focused on how much length retention we have that we will hold on to every inch regardless of how it looks.  Last year when I haphazardly decided to enter a length challenge to MBL or Waist,  I noticed the longest point of my hair was directly in the center of my back, placing well past BSL. I was measuring my progress by the longest point of my hair. But, was constantly having to explain to people that, "all" of my hair on the bottom was not there yet.  

Above is my hair blown out and flat ironed in July of 2013

The shape actually doesn't look "that" off because it all straight. Just looks like my ends needed trimming, and I took care of that.  But in it's naturally kinky state my hair appeared to be growing a tail because the longest part of my hair which is the nape, is also a looser pattern.  I never wear my hair straight so I need it to look even, and flow as much as possible back there.  

(Earlier last month) Can you see the tail back there?   
(Last Year sometime) You can really see it here. 

This was starting to get annoying when I would style it. So I decided to abort my MBL to WL growth challenge and get this hair shaped up! The only reason why I was holding on to it is because I didn't want to mess up my length retention progress, but I decided I care more about how my hair looks overall. I didn't have her cut  too much, just enough to get it right!  
I'm guessing 2-3 inches  

(Light blow out and No more Tail!)
Light blow out(Nice and round)

Sorry about this photo quality..but you can see the shape!

I am definitely happy that I went ahead and shaped up my hair. I always want my hair to look nice and healthy. Length retention will always be a by product of healthy hair growth. As long as our hair is healthy we can trust that length will follow, if we want it!  I will never hold on to raggedy ends or oddly shape hair because I'm trying to prove to my self and others that I can grow my hair to my knees lol..Chile it ain't that serious with me. Yaay,  I can't wait to style this!  How is your Natural hair shaping up?


  1. It looked fabulous before and it still does. I would have given a finger for your thickness.

    Not much new here. I'm just focusing more on moisture these days.

  2. I love it Chan. There is freedom letting go of the ruler! Love the cut!

  3. Thank you Cheleski! I am definitely feeling a freedom. I already feel lighter and I'm enjoying my hair more. Now if I can just find a way to simplify detangling my natural hair care world will be perfect! : )

  4. @Nappy headed black girl, Thank you so much, I do love that it's thick but it is a job~ You know I just order something call Q-Redew, have you heard of it? It's a hand held hair steamer-mister that doesn't make the hair too wet but makes it soft and moisturized.

  5. Looking good! I know you will recover that 2-3 inches in no time. You know I am always clipping my ends - I can not stand straggly, uneven ends so I'd much rather lose a little length than have my hair looking uneven and crazy.

  6. Hey Beth! Thanks girl its funny I am at a place where I am trying to make my hair care quicker and easier. So I go back and forth on if I want to continue to grow it longer?? Idk? I would love the look of longer hair. But with that comes a whole lot of work with my texture. And I am like you, I can't stand crazy looking ends I will clip them in a New York Minute! : )
