
Friday, February 15, 2013

Get your Healthy Hair Back: Alyson's Success Story!

Alyson’s Healthy Hair Journey

Hi Chan!  I know that I have written to you before, but I wanted to make sure Happy Healthy Hair and its followers understood just how much I appreciate your consulting, feedback and styling tips that I have received.

I am approaching my 3 year anniversary of being natural.  It’s a little hard to believe for me because when you first mentioned that you were considering going natural – before the business was even conceptualized, I decided to do it as merely a challenge, not fully understanding how it would turn out to be the BEST decision and transition that I made as it pertains to health and beauty for my life.

Alyson 16 mos into Natural Transition
I didn’t go natural to grow my hair long, most people who know me know that I have always had long hair; my goal was to obtain Healthy hair.  I chuckle now because I reflect on a conversation that we had within the first 6 months of my transition.  I told you that I was “growing a new head of hair.”  I didn’t even realize that my hair line had slightly receded, exclusively, because of the relaxers that I had been getting!  When I stopped getting the relaxers, the hair that had been receding, started to grow back and now has completely grown in.   

After  Big Chop(check out that hair line!)
I remember prior to this, a lady walking up to me asking if I had been stressed because my hair that was thick everywhere else, but was thin around my temples.  She meant nothing by this, but it bothered me, and it wasn’t until I stopped relaxing that I even realized, I was supposed to have hair there!!!
Because of my hair texture it’s been easier for me to style my hair without heat or much manipulation while I was transitioning and even now.  I am not a hair ”styling” person so being able to wash and go is truly a blessing from God for me!  I have always refrained from using a lot of heat, but this journey has been great for me because it has allowed me to further reduced the heat damage my hair was enduring.  Ladies, too much heat is not our hair’s friend.  Moisture and low manipulation is! I don’t do much to my hair and it thrives because of it.  
Wash n Go

Recent Flat iron(was removed from an updo)

We don’t go plant flowers in our yards, and then dig around in the dirt every day do we? No, we let them do their thing. I’ve found the same applies to hair.  You should choose styles that you can maintain with as little manipulation as possible. (I wear my hair protected 99% of the time)
 Total “girl” confession – I LOVE it when my husband runs his fingers through my hair every night.  I LOVE that he loves MY natural hair, whether I wear it curly, or the very rare times that I flat iron straight (once once a year max!). I love that my children love playing with my hair when they cuddle with me at night.

I love that my daughter will NEVER, as long as she lives in my house, have a relaxer come near her head.  I love that she loves her beautiful locks, and while she does like her hair straight, she isn’t in a panic when she goes swimming or running around the water park because she can’t get her hair wet.  She is a kid!  GO PLAY IN THE SPRINKLERS!  GO SWIM!  Get your natural hair wet.  It’s fine!  We’ll take care of it when you are finished. I’m happy that I am able to raise her to love her natural hair and not be in bondage to it.

Alyson's Daughter enjoying her Healthy Hair

Healthy Happy Hair has been a true blessing in my life.  What started out as a challenge to see if I “could do it” has turned into an attitude of “I would NEVER do without it!”  Yup – I am going on record in saying that I will never perm my hair again because I have been fully equipped, through your services, to care for my natural hair!
Thank you HHH,

Alyson and Me

 If you have a success story that you would like to share please contact me, lets continue to inspiring our women!   Well Until Next time!


  1. I love this interview! Her story is My story :o)

    Thanks Ladies

  2. Hey there New007! Thanks for reading and leaving a comment. Yes,I Love it when we can identify with the stories of our other sisters, I also love that this natural hair journey connects us all!

  3. OMG i so love this, I will have to come and try you out

  4. they key is that Alysson listened to your advice and DID it! Wonderful! 95% of people just ignore and do what they want to do. This is truly a wonderful story! kudos!

  5. Thank you Cheleski!! You are absolutely right. People are funny that way. Alyson is really good at taking my advice and applying it : ) I appreciate your comment!
