
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Product Usage/How to use heat: Chan Said Q/A Series

Heeey, Healthy Happy Hair enthusiast!..So, I'm really excited about this post.  It will be the first of many Chan Said: Blog Posts.   I came up with this post name through an inside joke that my friends and I have going.  Most of them have come to me for hair advice throughout their natural hair care journey, and whenever they share with their spouses or other people  in their lives what I've shared, It's Chan Said, this or that..  
a few of my natural friends

One of my friends said it became so frequent that her hubby start to make fun at her by saying.. Chaaan Said, Chan Said.....meddling her...funny right?   And then some of my other friends shared they were guilty of the same thing.. So it actually became quite funny in our circle of friends every time someone would say Chan Said, when sharing natural hair care tips.... I thought it was quite funny..  and since I'm ALWAYS getting asked so many questions, GOOD questions about hair care, I figured I'd start sharing what I said, with you! : )   So, I'm starting this sort of "Ask Chan" Blog Post series....

Other natural friends

  Most questions on healthy hair care, I feel I have solid supported answers for, and when there's an area I'm  not sure about, I research and give "my opinion."   Overall most people find the information helpful and I'd like to share their questions and my answers with you.  My answers will be comprised of personal,professional, and scientific data that I've collected, researched, and experienced.   But, most of us know that the best way to figure out what our hair like and does not like is to safely experiment with it, my info should always be taken as a loose guide, no natural hair police here! Do what your hair responds best to..period...SO with that being said, lets get started with my first  Chan Said:  Blog Post!

Anonymous:  " Hey Chan, What natural hair care products do you use, and when using heat, what temperature should  you set your flat iron to when straightening your hair out?"

Chan Said:  Hey Anonymous, My product selection, I use a lot of things.(because I love trying products)  But my favorites are:  Aubrey organics conditioners, Shea moisture curl enhancing smoothie & their deep treatment mask, and Shidnaturals Moisturizer..(I love Bee Mine also but Shida's is more cost effective for me)    

Heat Styling Temps:

That is a tricky question because it depends on each person's hair, (and their hair's current condition). But do know: that your hair should be clean and very moisturized before heat styling. Let it air dry first-(stretched, instead of blow drying to lessen the heat exposure).. use a heat protectant and try a very low heat first to see how your hair responds. Start with 300 degrees Fare. or 140 degress Cel.. If your flat irons don''t have these ranges just go round about or set to the lowest possible temp. The bonds in the hair start to melt at 233 C or 451 F(source: The Science of Black Hair)    I would not use a flat iron that does not have a temp gauge.. Also, if you are trying to transition to natural hair, it's best not to use flat irons to straighten your roots because it can affect your hair texture and maybe even damage it.  (Another great tip that I recently received from Anthony Dickey of Hair rules, is to wear wash a goes every day for a week leading up to a heat styling session to make sure the hair is extremely moisture conditioned)

I hope this Q & A session was as helpful to you as my Anonymous reader,

Until Next time beauties! Keep it Healthy and Happy!

If you have any probing questions, don't hesitate to send me a quick note: Your question very well may end up in the next Chan Said:  Blog Post!!

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