
Monday, February 28, 2011

Tangle Teezers: Pay Attention...

The Tangle Teezer....

Okay so if you are at all into hair, : ) I'm sure you've heard of this new detangling tool called the Tangle Teezer.   It claims to detangle, smooth, and minimize breakage. When I first noticed The Tangle Teezer taking off in the natural hair community I really wasn't interested because I figured it was just another fad that would blaze in and out of the natural hair community like the denman brush.  But, after many convincing reviews and youtube video's I decided I had to give it a try.  And here's my assessment:

Pro's:  After the first use I must say that it did detangle with EASE, as well smooths, and stretches the hair making it easier to apply twists, and braids for my stretched out styles. I also loved  that it gave my hair a blow out look without having to use the blow dryer. That to me was very impressive. It also took less than 8 minutes for me to detangle my hair. Awesome, loved that!

Con's: When used with water or product the brush slips out of your hand a lot, (no biggie, I could deal with that. But, what I couldn't accept were the short broken pieces of hairs, that I noticed in my brush afterwards?  I believe this Tangle Teezer was breaking off my ends.

My Tangle Teezer

Now, I don't know if you can see this, but what I am showing you are short little pieces of hairs that came off in my brush. That's not good! Short hairs typically means your hair snapped off!  The first time it happened I was somewhat in denial. I tried my best to ignore it because this brush seems to work so well!   So I gave it another try, making sure my hair was wet, and saturated with product, and I was a lot gentler with it. Still small broken hairs. I even tried it a Third time!(I obviously didn't want to give up on it) The third time wasn't as bad because I was extra gentle, however,  I've decided that the Tangle Teezer it's not worth the potential damage to my hair.  

 I don't want to look up 3 months later and my hair is shredded to pieces because I didn't want to take the time to detangle my hair the proper way. (with my fingers, in the shower, followed up with my Jibree showercomb!) Even when I was using the denman brush I never noticed broken pieces of hair after a dentangling session? So the Tangle Teezer is a no go for me.  Thankfully, I noticed early on, the potential damage it could be doing to my hair.  

 If you are currently using this brush, and can't see departing from it, consider the possibility of having to depart from your precious strands because this brush caused you to have a ton of split ends or breakage. I"m not saying that this will be everyone's experience, but I will say be careful, and pay attention to the hairs in your brush. Are they long shed hairs, or short broken off pieces? Also, examine your ends more regularly and see if you notice a difference. And if so, you may want to consider doing what's best for your hair, and stop using this brush.  (I've found another use for it, I've taken it to my Manican's head, and if I had a dog, I'd use it on him/her?)  Just my two cents!!! 

 Healthy Happy Hair growing!!



  1. I brought this last month and it really helps when detangling, i just dont like the bad grip and the hassle i have to go through to remove my shed hair from it. But its worth it to me.

  2. Yes the grip is really bad it slips out of your hand a lot. someone told me that to top comes of, so you can just use the bottom and it won't slip out.

  3. The tangle teezer damaged my hair. My ends were wrecked after about five uses. I had to cut about an inch of my hair. I will stick with my denman brush for now.

  4. Wow, I'm glad you paid attention and stopped when you did! I've read that some used it for several months before noticing and had to cut a lot more than that off. Live and Learn. I guess the lesson I took from this is to be patient, and not so quick to try new things that have not had a chance to settle within the natural hair community, because if you wait, you'll soon find out what the overall verdict is. Because I defnitely hear more negative things about it now, then I did when I first decided to try it. And if there's more negative than good, I"m usually not going to risk it.
