
Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Heat Damage Story....

Meet Keisha,

Keisha  prides her self in growing beautiful healthy hair. And her results speak for itself!  She's made some tremendous strides with her natural hair journey, but due to a few missteps, she's had to go back to the drawing board.  Keisha would like to share her story, and how the use of heat can be very deceiving leading to irreversible damage of our beautiful tresses......


In October 2007 I began to transition after being relaxed for 11yrs.  At first I only wanted to be natural because of the versatility, but the longer I transitioned the more I felt this is how God made me & I’m not doing the chemicals any more. I transitioned for 8 months with cornrows & buns then I big chopped in June 2008. For someone, who has never had short hair before, the shock was overwhelming.  I didn’t like it at first but it grew on me.

 Although there weren’t many naturals here in WA people loved my hair. I always got compliments on, and people would ask if it was a weave. My fiancé’ just didn’t like the whole short hair thing but overall I had support. 
During this natural stage I didn’t always wear my hair out, I was a fan of kinky twists so I wore those a lot. Keep in mind, every time I would get kinky twists put in, I would use heat to blow out my hair. In November 2009 I had been natural over a year & my fiancé’ was leaving on deployment. He loved my straight hair so I got it straightened. It was nice, and once I washed, my curls popped back in place so there was no problem.

In March of 2010 had my hair straightened for spring break. My curls came back, although I didn’t notice it, my patterned had become looser.

(Notice bangs loosening)

 And In August 2010 aka dooms day, lol. I had my hair straightened again. I never complained about how much heat they stylist was using on my hair, she always said that my hair could take it, and more.  Well right after I straightening I decided to do a 1 year protective style challenge with braids, so I didn’t rewash hair. I wore my hair straight for a couple days & then just threw in my braids thinking my hair was fine.

In October I took my hair down for a wash & that’s when I saw it the HEAT DAMAGE! It was all over, the front was so bad it would not  curl anymore. Then I had straight pieces everywhere else?? I was so upset with

Loss of Curls

 So, because  I didn't want to look at the damage I'd caused, on October 27th 2010 I relaxed my hair again, and started transitioning all over again. I’ve been asked, if I needed to relax my hair in order to transition again, and my answer is no, I didn’t. But, I couldn't look at it. 

 So this time around there will be no BC for at least 2yrs. Although my TWA was cute I just can’t go back to short hair. Also, I will not be using heat to blow-dry or straightening for 2yrs.  If I ever decide to straighten again after that horrible experience, I will do it myself. That way I will know how much heat I’m putting on my hair. 
The point to my story ladies is everyone is different. Some people can straighten weekly & they won’t experience heat damage & some can’t. (Unfortunately you may not find out which one you are until it’s too late)
 Also be cautious of your stylists as well. I’m not saying their all alike but be careful of who you allow to do your hair.


  1. I love these honest stories!

  2. Thank you, I feel its the only way that we can really help one another!
