
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Cleansing with Bentonite Clay

Hello Natural Hair Enthusiast! If you are looking for an alternative to harsh clarifying shampoos you may want to give Bentonite Clay a try. I introduce this wonder powder to my regimen over two years ago and I have yet to be disappointed.  What I love about it is that it  cleanse my hair without leaving it feeling dry or stripped. My hair is always very soft and defined with each rinse. To cleanse your hair with Bentonite clay all you need is a small bowl, Aztec Healing Clay, apple cider vinegar, and water.  Apply the mask you want to stir to a creamy paste consistency.(It can clump up a lot so try to pour liquids and stir quickly to minimize the lumps)    

Apply the Paste to your hair in sections, from nape to crown.  Cover with a Plastic Cap for 20 mins, rinse and add your Deep Conditioner.  Bentonite Clay can also be used as mask for deep pore cleansing facials, and actually it is marketed for facials and can be found in the skin care department in most natural grocery food stores. (I've purchased from Whole Foods or Sprouts)     

How do you clarify your hair?  Have you ever tried  Bentonite Clay? 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chan! Never tried bentonite clay, still stuck on amla LOL! I heard the bentonite clay is what they use in the cat liter? I've read some interesting things about all of these clay cleansers/conditioners. The results you get from the bentonite sound the same as the amla. Don't you just LOVE it? No more harsh cleansers, #1 problem to "naturally dry" hair solved. Great post!
