
Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Happy November Everybody! It's my favorite month of the year because so many exciting things are happening around this time  for me. I always looking forward to the Fall season. The  pleasant weather and my birthday are always highlights for me! Also, Nappiology DFW has their Annual Expo around this time so I am in fall heaven. The highlight of the expo is actually hanging out with people I love as we celebrate our natural hair, and the events are always a bonus!  Kim Coles was actually in attendance this year and had her on workshop. It was Hilarious..She is so down to earth and funny we loved her Class.  She shared her natural hair journey, her journey as a Hollywood actress, as well as some valuable life lessons on forgiveness and humility. It was really good!   

Kim Coles In living Color!
As for the vendor booths, The person who I most wanted to be there(Jane Carter) was not in attendace, you can usually get her products for $5 & $10. So, I didn't buy many products. I purchased a professional "natural" line called Isabella's Own because of the size of the jars. We'll see how it pans out. It's not All natural so I'm a little turned off by that.   Overall I loved it, I met a lot of  new people, and I also ran into a lot of people that I knew it was refreshing.
Chanel and I met once during the  first Yr of our Journey!

Also, I had the pleasure of attending My sister n Law's Annual Gala. Many generous people come out to support her Campaign against Hunger in Texas, it's quite amazing. She pulls out all the stops and our entire family is so proud of everything she does for our community, and we are delighted to claim her! 

Hubby,Darrin,Tracey, &  CJ (sis)

And Happy 38th Birthday to me! It is always a blessing to get another year  under my belt. It's just a reminder of how good God has been to me!  Gifts are ALWAYS nice, but I am just grateful that  I am constantly surrounded by His Love, I thank Him for salvation and the people who love me! ...AND

 My Mom is in town!  She spent the entire day with me for my birthday!(I don't know why I didn't take any photos with her today! So, I  had to put one together!)  I am happy!    Until Next time....  

Keep your life Healthy and Happy!! 



  1. Aww looked like so much fun! Just the way birthday months are supposed to be. Happy Birthday Beautiful Chan.

  2. Aww Thank you New007!! I Loved it..and I'm still celebrating!
