
Monday, November 7, 2011

Natural Hair Expo in Dallas and My Birthday!

Jane Carter(owner of Jane Carter Solutions)

Finally a natural hair expo close to home! Nappiology Dfw(a non-profit organization) had their 3rd Annual Natural Hair Expo, and I was more than happy to be in attendance. I've been dying to get to the one in Atlanta for 3 years now.  So it felt great to have one in our own back yard. 

Breakfast at the Cracker Barrell/Celebrating my Bday!

My friends and I entering the Expo

Me hanging out with my friends and attending this expo was basically my birthday gift to myself! It was so much fun, and we were really excited I don't think any of us had been to a natural hair meet up of this size..  They had a lot of good vendors  booths too.   But, Jane Carter was our Favorite! Her items were selling for $10 & $5.00 It was amazing.  Her booth stayed busy!

There were also a lot of informative classes and workshops, I was only able to attend  1 because all my friends wanted to do was shop. lol...I think next time we will attend classes before shopping, because they weren't trying to hear me on those classes, they had shopped themselves silly and tired!

Hair Rules..Anthony Dickey's Class

He was very informative regarding our hair texture, he also has years of experience with our hair.  I personally had a question about heat damage. He prides himself on helping our women experience the versatility of our hair from Coily/Curly to Straight successfully without heat damage. I was all ears because this really seems to be hit or miss with a lot of naturals. More of trial and error.  Anthony says, curly hair that's already dry and under moisturized is more susceptible to heat damage.  He recommend that you wear wash n go's at least a week prior to having a heat service done because the hair will then be moisture trained so to speak.  I got in there late, but I enjoyed the part of his class that I did hear.  I LOVE healthy hair Talk!

Hair Rules: Hair Model & Anthony Dickey

A little pose before leaving

I thoroughly enjoyed my entire day from my birthday breakfast, to the expo, to dinner at Bayou Cat.  We were so tired and hungry when we left that expo, that we had to stop by a local Cajun food favorite, to rest and fill our bellys!    

Mmmmmh, that fish was SO good!

Til Next Time.. Keep it Healthy and Happy!


  1. Hey Chan! My birthday is Nov. 12. Woot, woot for the scorpios! Anyway, my site is Texas based. Please visit and subscribe info about natural hair events, giveaways and etc.

  2. @Earthlyreality, IT was a lot of fun! Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment
    @Natural Hair Rules! Alright now! I love being a Fall baby it's the perfect time of year, Happy belated birthday to you! Actually I thought I was already subbed to your blog. I've followed you before I LOVE your blog it's so professional and I didn't know it was Texas based. I"ll check out your natural hair events. : ) Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment!!
