
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tiny 2 Strand Twists & 2 Month Challenge!

So I finally got up enough energy to try these Tiny twists! I kept putting them off but they kept calling me! So I had to give in and try them.

It took me about 8 hours, over the course of a couple days, I don't know what's the standard time for most people, but I did take a few breaks : )

I  love the back, it's so full! My hair does grow in layers and into a V in the back? It's a tad bit annoying at times,but It's all good, we'll  see happens when I reach my goal length!(APL)  

Look at how thick it looks! I added rollers here as well. 

As you can see, these are very flexible and you can do a lot of different styles with them in.  It's similar to having loose hair. 

Can't forget the Flower!
Rolled bangs w/bohemian  scarf

I  want to give my self a break from detangling and over manipulation.  So. I've decided to put my self on a 2 months twist up challenge.. I've never been in natural twists longer than a week in a half, so this will indeed be a challenge for me!  I will stay twisted up for 2 to 3 weeks at a time, break for 1 to 2 weeks to do my Cassia or Rhassoul treatments and then I will twist up again for another 2 to 3 weeks.   This challenge should end around August 21st! 1 Month away from my 2 yr anniversary! 

I've been dusting and trimming my ends all year! So I am really ready to give that a rest and get some of my inches back by keeping it protected.. I also plan to keep these moisturized, and keep frizz to a  minimum . (Introducing moisture adds frizz so trying to control that, will be interesting!)  

They're so Cute..I don't know what took me so long to try them!!

 Well,  I'm enjoying  my Healthy "Natural" Hair Journey!!  How about you? : )

Until Next time Natural beauties!!!


  1. Your mini twists look great! I love how full your hair is and even the V looks great! Good luck in keeping them in for two months.

  2. Thank you Steph!! That V is so obvious too, I've thought about cutting it even, but it's not that serious. Thanks, I'm really hoping I can keep one set for 3 weeks, but we will see how much frizz I'm dealing with after two weeks : )

  3. First of all, your twists are gorgeous!!

    Where can I puchase Rhassoul and Cassia (or Henna) locally in the Dallas/Carrollton/Plano area?

  4. Hi Tenitrus thank you so much for the compliment! I had a lot of fun wearing them. Cassia can be found at and Rhassoul can be found all over the internet.. but try this source face: Let me know if you try the rhassaoul clay, I'd like to know what your results were!
