
Friday, October 29, 2010

Natural Hair Confession

 "So, I don't know what side of the bed I woke up on, but it had me researching texlaxers & texturizers today. I know??? ugh I am as surprised as yall are? I loooove my natural hair, and I love the texture. But what yall don't see, is how much time I spend on my hair. It's insane? Last night it took me 5 hours to attempt this braid out style I was trying, ( it started out with a flat twists gone wrong) and by the time I finished I'd been in my head for 5 hours..5 hours..? I felt like I'd been in a boxing match!!? And then this morning when I woke up, it took FORever to get those plaits out, only to have it come out looking like I only spent 5 minutes on it? and I thought.. you know? This is too much time dedicated to hair it's crazy? If I texlaxed I'd get to keep some of my texture, still grow healthy hair, style it a lot quicker and get 1/2 of my life back.. so I am seriously considering it."

Does this sound familiar? Well if it does, congratulations you're perfectly normal! This was me not too long ago.. Natural hair is beautiful, but without patience and the proper knowledge it can leave you wanting to throw in the towel.  But ladies understand that you don't have to throw in the towel. Do your research, ask for advice from other experienced naturals, or just take a break and wear your hair in your favorite protective style. Do what ever you need to do to keep your Natural hair journey going in the right direction.


  1. Hey girl...what's a texlaxer?

  2. Hello! A texlax is an under processed relaxer.. (similar to a texturizer)it's used to loosen your hair texture. The relaxer is typically mixed with oils, and/or conditioners to weaken the strenth of the relaxer. Also, it's only left on for about 5 to 8 minutes without smoothing, and then rinsed out.

  3. This is very normal and actually why I loc'ed my hair. The time it took to create a style and the time the actual style lasted was too much for me to handle.

  4. lol..girl I have seriously considered locing!
