
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Got my Natural Hair Flat Ironed!

 First flat iron in 2 years! 

Yay! I finally did it I was on the fence because you know I am really anal about the health of my hair and didn't  want to flat ironed  for obvious reasons.   I took all of the precautions I could think of, prayed and then allowed someone else to flat iron my hair. Yep. I know after the last experience 2 years ago I vowed to just do it my self if I EVER decided to have it flat ironed again.  I didn't want to do it so I guess I had to trust someone! Kimberly Christopher at is the stylist that I chose to tackle all of these kinks!  I did consult with her first so she would know all of my concerns and see what the nature of my hair is like.(Thick and tangley!)  I was very pleased with how smooth she was able to get it without too much heat. We talked about not taking the heat any higher than 400 and adjusting the heat lower for the looser textures. Hopefully all that worked out! (I cringe at the possibility of heat damage), I did notice that she only did a couple passes with the flat iron which was good. Also prior to the blow out, she put in chunky twists and set me under a dryer for a few minutes to stretch it out some. So she wasn't blow drying it forever.

Blow out

blow out..I was shocked

Blow drying at a salon (IMO) can be a pretty stressful session on natural hair that isn't straightened much. I was kind of cringing with every rake of the brush! Be sure you do everything you can to fortify your hair(deep condition, moisturize, Pre-poo). Do whatever you can  to get as much moisture in as possible) I only had about a week to get my hair ready, I wish I would have taken 2 weeks! The more moisture sessions prior to the better.  Overall I was very please with my hair, and I'm happy that I made the decision to flat iron it.  I wouldn't encourage anyone to do it unless its something you really desire and has given a lot of thought about because I think it is definitely a gamble. I am  praying every day that all of my strands revert back!   knew what I was getting into so I'd say make sure you are prepared for whatever. (I wouldn't flat iron on the spare of the moment or out of frustration because there's definitely a higher risk of damage with that.)

3 yr growth comparison
Grazing Bra strap! 

Until Next time!! 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Get Healthier Hair in 2013!

How to obtain HealthierHair in 2013!

So, if you're reading this post you were blessed to make it out of 2012 and into 2013!Yay us, we get another chance to improve the quality of our lives!   It’stime to set new goals and resurrect old ones.  I’m sure by now you have your lists all madeout, but hopefully as it pertains to how you can obtain the hair you want you will add some of my favorites below! 

1.      Accept the facts about “your” hair.  (Learn to embrace the characteristics of yourthick, fine, curly, cottony, coily, wavy, kinky, and even heat damaged hair,and work with it.).      

2.      Be patient. Give your new healthyregimen at least 2 months before you abandon it.
3.      Deep condition your hair after everywash. (Apply a plastic cap and generate heat for atleast 30 minutes).
4.      Heat style less. (Only you know howoften is too often, and so does your hair! take longer breaks from the heat)
5.      Don’t make drastic changes with yourhair out of frustration (This will always set you back!)
6.       Moisturize your hair more often. (If it feelsdry, you aren’t using enough. Use all natural moisturizers that penetrate thehair shaft.)
7.       Use protein conditioners when needed.(learn  more about Moisture-ProteinBalance)
8.      Manipulate your hair less. (Keep yourhair protected, wear styles that limit daily handling)
9.      Love and respect your Hair. (Thispiggy backs with no. 1, when you love your hair you treat it better!)
10.   Believe in what you’re doing and where you’regoing-Keep your eye on the prize!  (Inorder to be successful you have to believe that you can be.

(If you arerelaxed or use chemicals in your hair, resolve to chemically treat your hair less,stretch out  your sessions and find morenatural alternatives to achieve the looks you want!)

Above aresome of my favorites for obtaining strong, healthy, beautiful hair! Try them,commit to them, and see don’t you end this year with a better head of hair!  Until Next time!