
Saturday, August 18, 2012

It's a Henna  Party! 
H3 Volunteer (Felisha) assisting with Henna Application
This weekend I had the pleasure of speaking to a group of  Healthy Hair seekers regarding the Benefits of using Henna, Cassia,  and Amla  powder in their hair care regimens!  I just love doing these "informational" parties!  3 Sisters Beauty Supply located near my home town does a great job of staying connected to their customers and their healthy hair journeys.  When the owners asked if I would come and speak to their customers about the benefits of using Henna. You know I jumped at the chance!   

Me with 3 Sister's Beauty Supply Store owner

For a Friday Night  we had a pretty good turn out, the women had many questions about the benefits of using henna, Cassia, Amla, and Indigo..  Many of them just wanted stronger healthier hair..

Our lovely group of women

There I am!
Others had questions about how they could successfully cover their grays using Henna, Amla and or Indigo! Everyone's situation was unique. And I welcomed their various questions.  Those who currently has hair that's been previously colored with chemicals wanted to know if it was safe to use henna over it. And if you've been following me you know the answer to this one.  Absolutely. Yes!  If it's Body Arty Quality Henna(and not a compound Henna) It is safe! 
H3 Volunteer Erica!

She's enjoying her beauty treatment! 

Henna is a messy job, but it is also therapeutic and fun! We did approx 13 Henna & Amla treatments for those who wanted to take a chance right then and their, the other women were content with the wealth of information for future use.   It's always good to do your research, harvest your hair and do test runs if you can.  Seek the advice of others who are experienced with using Henna before jumping in.  You can also schedule your own Henna party with me if your are local, or with friends who are very informed if you are distant.  I've been using these treatments for years and they make me and my hair happy!  : )

Me and My team! I love these ladies!

Well that's a Rap!! Until Next time.. Keep it Healthy and Happy!!! 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Natural Hair Care Products: Are there too many to choose from?

Three tips on  how you can avoid becoming a Product Junkie

I've noticed with the rapid increase in our women returning to their natural roots. The selection of Natural hair care products available are also increasing at an overwhelming rate.  When I began my natural hair journey,  I only knew of a few natural hair care products on the market.  Carol's Daughter,  Black Earth Products by Taalijah Waajid , and Raw African Shea Butter! But these days choosing a natural hair product may not be that simple.  They all seem to promise everything that we want. Moisture, curl definition, stretch, slip, softness, and shine!   

So, how do we decide what to buy without breaking the bank and earning the infamous title of Product Junkie?   Below are some things I've tried to keep me in check when deciding to purchase Natural Hair Care products.  

1. Assess what your primary hair care needs are, and start purchasing your products accordingly:  try not to move on to anything extra until you satisfy what's most important.  For example,  If you are having issues with keeping your hair moisturized and you've yet to find a product to give your hair what it needs in this area; then keep your focus on finding the product or ingredients that will give you exactly what you need.  Try to resist purchasing 3 or 4 curl definers or detangling leave in conditioners if you've already found one that works well for your hair. (Exception: UNLESS,  you find room for improvement in one of the areas below. 

2. Decide how you want to receive your products:  There are a ton of wonderful products out there that work. Some are local and most of them are available for online purchase only depending on where you live.    For some of us, purchasing online to get  what we want is not a problem, and for others we want to walk into a local retain shop and grab what we want when we want.  If you know you are not one of those who will continue to order products on line, pay  expensive shipping charges, and wait 7 business days to get it, why get sucked in? Seriously! This is a hard lesson,  I had to learn it, so I could  share it with you.  Be real with your self.  If purchasing your hair products online for the rest of your life doesn't bother you then, do so.. But if you are a local person, look for what you need on the ground. This can save you a lot of  money.    

3. Decide how much you want to  spend on your products long term.  Lets be real, there are some natural products out here that are insanely expensive. I'm talking 48.00 for an 8 oz jar of conditioner! Now for me I know I have too much hair to spend that much on a jar of conditioner. I typically go through an 8 oz jar in two sessions!  I know we can  get curious about how some things will work on our hair, but if you know this is not an expense that you will want to continue why start? Try purchasing your products in a price range that make sense to you, and that you are willing to keep up.

These are my 3 tips for purchasing natural hair care products the smart way, what's yours?