
About H3

Welcome to Healthy Happy Hair!


My H3 blog spot was developed to equip you with  information, skills, and a road map to help you achieve Healthy Happy Hair!  

 Healthy Happy Hair  was created to provide education and inspiration to women who desire to embrace their naturally kinky curly hair.   Don't let anyone fool you. Hair is important! Just ask the man or woman who has lost theirs to chemical damage, neglect, or natural causes. Healthy Hair is a symbol of beauty and strength! 

Did you know that hair is so important that God has numbered every strand on our heads? (Matt 10:39)  Hair is also referenced as one of our Crowns and Glory. So how do we begin to cherish this gift that God has given us?

By understanding the science behind maintaining Healthy Happy Hair....

 There are many commercial hair care products out there that over promise and under deliver, leaving you with even more damage. When you understand what products to use, how to use them, and when The frustrations you experience with your hair will drastically decrease.

I will help you to understand typical behavioral patterns of your hair. I will also show you how to work with, and not against your hair's natural structure, for stress free maintenance and styling.   You will possess everything you need to achieve  healthy hair goals you never dreamed you would reach!

Doesn't she look Happy?

 So go ahead, search the blog just about every topic that you can think of on natural hair is here.  Please leave comments! I will always respond, no matter how old the post! : )   Share with us in the comments your hair goals, current hair regimens,  concerns, and frustrations.   I am very patient, and thorough when it comes to analyzing your situation. I will do my best  to determine  what hair care is needed to get you to the next level!   So subscribe and follow,  your hair will be forever grateful that you did!