
Sunday, April 27, 2014

My Microlocks Journey!

My Shake n Go Baby locs! 

 Hello Natural Beauties! I hope you are  staying inspired to grow  your best head of Healthy Happy Hair?   I have been trying to get back here to write for 3 weeks now!  I do have a few things to share that should help spice up your natural hair care game, but first, I wanted to share what I've been into! 

  Yah  I know my title gave it away lol.   I've decided to start locking my hair!  It was an option I had been entertaining for at least a year and a half now.  I've always admired locs since year two of my natural hair journey but never thought I could or would do it.  In my research I found that there are several ways to start locking as well as several lock sizes that you could choose from that best fit your personality and lifestyle.   I narrowed it down to Sister locks and Micro Braid locs.  In the end Microbraid locs proved to be the best way for me to begin this journey.   I had 276 my micro-braid locks installed on 4-22-14 at Nappybliss Salon in Desoto, Texas.  

 Will interlocking new growth every 4-6 weeks

Some people were surprised that I decided to go this route, because my hair is/was " SOO Pretty"   What's that suppose to mean?  More on that when I start my new blog highlighting my new journey with microlocs.  But,  if you've actually read my blog posts about my regimen and process lately you could probably see the writing on the wall. lol.     

Love that its already full..I want full mature locs!

What lead to this final decision:  

After being a loose natural for 4.5 years I'd reached a point where I was no longer  enjoying my natural hair care routine/process.  I began to loath my wash days which began to take  3 days to complete from beginning to end(end meaning, my final desired style).  Because of my business schedule I rarely finished my hair in one day.  (And on those in between days, I was always looking crazy trying to conceal "the transformation").    I was spending so much time on my hair the longer it got, that I felt  I was starting to miss out on my life!  I felt I wasn't enjoying my natural hair in its full glory, but more so trying to maintain it and look presentable. Any extra styling flare had been placed on the back burner. My wash days had taken enough out of me.  And while I do natural hair for a living, by the time I got home I had no strength for my own?  I even cut it in February about 3 inches off,  which gave me some what of a fresh wind.... but that was short lived. lol. 

Whenever my hair was styled out it was always gorgeous to me. It's what people see.  But people, there is a process, and you have to be at peace with your process, before and after the style.  (Every person's Hair texture, density, lifestyle, skill level, patience level, and work schedule will dictate what your process is and how long it takes)    Natural Hair care processes are never one size fits all.   I have learned that my quick fix to problem areas are not always helpful to others because of the things I just mentioned, and vice versa.   I had began to complain so much about my process to detangle that I was starting to get on my own nerves!  Nothing I tried was ever good enough for me on saving time.  I was also starting to leave styles in longer and stretching out my wash weeks.  Whenever I did have time to do my hair, I was so tired from working I didn't want to do it. That really wasn't fair to my precious loose locks.   

Final loose hair shot.. hair shrunken from prev style. 

I finally had to admit that I was over my process, not my natural hair! lol.. I love my natural hair:  the texture, thickness, and kinky-curls.  I also love that natural hair can be locked and still look beautiful.

 I've done my research and I know locks are not NO maintenance, but  they are  LOWER maintenance.  I promised my self at the beginning of this year that I would enjoy my hair  and not stress over it but celebrate my freedom to wear my hair naturally, and as I please.  So Here's to my Natural Hair Freedom..

**exhaling**  Peace...I feel Great!   SO!  What recent turns has your Natural hair Journey taken?  

Stay next post will focus on proven natural hair growth aides!