
Friday, May 4, 2012

 Meet Candace.  Her hair is simply gorgeous and she knows how to show it off!   She is a three time naturalista that has learned plenty about what her natural hair needs, and does not need when it comes to coloring.   She has chosen Demi -Permanents to color her beautiful natural hair, and it continues to flourish!   Lets hear what she has to share  regarding her journey with color. 

Candace, Why did you choose to color your Natural hair?
I've gone natural  three times. The first time, I chose to color my hair blonde. I felt because my hair was relaxer free it would be strong enough to handle blonde.  I also wanted a fun look for my coils. I've also colored my hair a shiny black this third time around, to cover my grays and to add sheen. 
Candace's Color Choices

What kind of color did you use? 
For the blonde I used a permanent color, L'Oreal Feria High. And for the black I used a Demi-Permanent rinse by Redkin, this color was done in a salon.

What would you say are some cons to coloring your natural hair if any?

 With the lighter colors your cuticles have to be lifted, so it can really cause the hair to become dry ,brittle, and fragile. 

With a dark color, if you use a permanent instead of Demi, the roots and colored hair will be a stark contrast. Meaning the roots are very noticeable as the hair grows out.  I have no Cons when using Demi-Permanents, with Demis, the  color line blends with your roots as it grows off. 

What do you love most about your hair color?
When I wore the blonde, I loved that it was fun.  With my dark hair, I love that my hair looks shiny and its soft! 

Do you think you will continue coloring your hair? 
 Yes! I will  continue using my Demi- Permanents, and I will only color it dark. 

Candace, what advice would you share with naturals who are contemplating coloring their natural hair?
Please don't try it at home!  Use a professional colorist.  If you go lighter, you have to condition your hair twice as much.   

Well, we'd like to Thank you  Candace for sharing your color story with us!  I simply love your hair, and no matter what the color, you wear it well!   

( If you would like to know more about using Demi Permanents as your coloring choice, please check out my blog post on "Choosing to Color Your Natural hair part 1) ..

Until Next Time, keep it Healthy and Happy!  : )