
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Be the Boss of your own hair: Part 1

How many times have you gone to get a professional service done on your hair, and you soon realize that the health of your hair is not the "stylist's" primary concern?  I can recall visits where braiders or  hair stylist would rip  through my hair as if they were taking out there frustrations on my head, and that is just unacceptable.  I'm sure all of us can recall a situation where a professional hair care expert did not do what was best for our hair but whether it's braids that are too tight or too small, overuse of heat, a trim that turns into  hair cut, balding edges,  or bald spots... but, at the end of the day we all have to take  some responsibility for the health of our own hair.

We have to be honest with ourselves and what we are experiencing when we are having a service done at salons. But how do we do this without offending or underminding the person'' expertise or profession? We do it with up front communication. Before the stylist ever puts his/her hands in your head you must be upfront about what you want and don't want. This way if you have to do give a small reminder, there should be no awkard moments, because they've been previously made aware of where you stand.  Open communication brings understanding and can build a perfect client /stylist relationship. 


Last year, I had an experience where a stylist used too much heat to straighten my hair and it resulted in heat damaged curls that I had to cut off.

 Although I did blame her for using too much heat, when I look back, there were many times where I could've communicated  more directly what I didn't want. I didn't want more than one or two passes with the flat iron, and I didn't want her using a marcel (stove) flat iron on my hair.  I hinted around by telling her that I heard this caused damage and would rather her use a regular ceramic iron, but she insisted it was what my hair type needed? I was very skeptical about this flat iron  but like like a dummy, I let her use it, and not only that she did so many passes with it to get my hair straight that  I lost count!  So, when my hair came up damaged, I couldn't blame anyone but myself, because I knew better . So moving forward,  I will always lay down a few ground rules, and you should do the same. A stylists,braider, or weave specialist  would appreciate this if they care anything about your hair. 

 Here is a list that you can follow to ensure you stay in charge when it comes to the continued health of your hair when visiting salons or someone you trust.

Always request a consultation to discuss your hair care needs, and to get a good understanding of what their specialities are. (I typically stray away from salons that only care about a "Fly" style at any cost.)

Seek out reviews from people you know or have access to that have used their services, to get an idea of how the stylist really operates. This will help you decide if you and your hair will benefit from there particular style of hair care. 

Make it known to your stylists "during your appointment" if you start to experience something you don't like i.e, too tight braids. Stop them in their tracks.

Don't  be afraid to open your mouth,  I know most stylists, braiders, etc. have really big personalities and confidence in their work. But at the end of the day, it is your head and you have to walk around with it 24/7.

Get up and Walk out, if you feel like your hair is being damaged. I know people who will sit there,(I've done it!) and let someone pull, burn, break, snap, and fry their hair off, and will sit there quietly until it's over.  It may seem dramatic or over the top to walk out, but afterwards you'll be glad you did, and your hair will thank you for it.  

Do it yourself. If you have decided that you know your hair better than anyone, and will not damage it. Then be your own stylist. There are many women that have increased their knowledge ,sharpened their skills, and have taken control of their healthy hair journeys.  

Until next time! Be blessed...